Are we literary midwives? Yes, that’s the kind of thing. LitWifery if you like.

We provide expert courses for striving authors, each specially designed to help progress your projects into polished publishable works.

As authors we’ve scored our own successes. As tutors, we’ve taught at top level. Now we’ve joined forces to deliver something new and precious: practical support for getting your work-in-progress over the hurdles that stand between great ideas and great books.
These courses are tailored to suit writers who have projects underway and need the next level of practical teaching, advice and support to get their beloved books across the line.
Find your perfect course.
Expert support for writing non-fiction, novels and memoirs. Specialist mentorship.
Journalistic writing and research skills. Sex tips for science and academic writers. Selling your words – and yourself.
Available online or in person, in Cambridge, London or Brighton.
All our tutors are experienced, accomplished writers.
They’re experienced, accomplished tutors, too. They’ve torn up cherished projects, they’ve torn out hair, they’ve suffered rejection and tasted victory.
They have published books in numerous genres, won prizes and published internationally.
They’ll walk with you.
The residential course.
Our freshly rescued 17th-century mansion on the South Coast will soon be open for hosting special residential courses for up to six students at a time, as well as offering single-person stays for individual writing retreats.
Upcoming courses
SEE ALL COURSESWriting group: Fiction
This group will meet to create and discuss fiction writing. It will be kept small so that full attention can be given to all the participants. The sessions will be a mixture of short seminars, workshops for work in progress, and discussion. We’ll explore the nuts and bolts of fiction: structure, voice, dialogue, pace, and […]
FIND OUT MOREMentoring fiction or poetry
For a writer with a work in progress I offer one-to-one mentoring to provide feedback and discuss ideas, challenges and give practical encouragement when things seem to flag. I’ve written four novels, which have been published in the UK and US and in several languages and I sold my TV rights to my first one. […]
FIND OUT MOREMentoring – nonfiction
Develop and refine your non-fiction writing skills with one-to-one mentoring. This can be done over the course of one or two years, or by arrangement.
FIND OUT MORENonfiction writing group
The group will meet to discuss members’ ongoing work and writing process. We will discuss voice, flow, structure, narrative, the use of humour, illustrations, editing, finding an agent, and more.
FIND OUT MORENonfiction journo ninja
All the essential journalistic skills, processes and techniques for writing factual books with precision and flair, including researching, investigating, interviewing, note-keeping, libel law, getting it all organised and getting the right style and angle.
FIND OUT MORELiterary prostitution
Dostoyevsky said a book should start selling itself from the day you begin writing. The literary world might pretend commerce is grubby, but it’s what our biz is all about.